
Climate solutions need a competitive EU chemical industry

We are surrounded by calls to tackle the CO2 issues; an important challenge.

The chemical industry is putting together the building blocks of secure living for a sustainable Earth. To be this innovative motor, our chemical industry needs to be competitive and to keep active connections in its network, an ecosystem of 31,000 big and many small and medium enterprises. This industry decouples growth from CO2 emissions and brings creativity into the bricks and mortar of modern life and the economy. This competitiveness fuels the innovation of many downstream users (clothing, agriculture, electricity, computers, paper, pharmaceuticals, renewable energies, transportation...). Even if competing fairly, it keeps in Europe investment, growth and job capacities. It provides solutions via highly qualifi ed scientists, technicians and researchers from our universities and schools, 1,2 million employees belonging to a common house that needs to be competitive to be smart.

More technical solutions will be possible to lower carbon pressure in a competitive framework: some technologies will deliver soon, based on sound research and development (biotech, catalysis,nanotech)

The European Chemical industry is a solution provider for secure living

  • 467 billion euro of sales
  • a contribution to the EU gross domestic product of 1.3%
  • 2 jobs in the service area for each job in the chemical industry
  • 8% of EU Research and development spendings
  • 5% of reduction of greenhouse gases coming from modern vehicles
  • High performance insulation materials cutting fuel oil consumption from 25 to 7 liter/m2

and more ...

Our response to climate change is being responsible.