BCN Expoaviga Congress. Programme of Scientific-Technical, promotional and discussion activities |
Organised with the cooperation of WPSA
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
10:00 |
A Sociological Approach to Public Health Alarms. |
Dr. Elena Espeitx, Observatori Permanent dels Comportaments Alimentaris, Barcelona, Spain. |
11:00 |
Poster presentations |
11:30 |
Coffee Break |
12:00 |
Food Retailers, Requirements and Demands on Poultry Producers |
Antonio I. Montoro, Laboratorio de Diagnóstico General, Barcelona, Spain |
13:00 |
Broiler Production without Growth Promoter Antibiotics. Present Knowledge |
Dr. Gerard Santomà, Trouw Nutrición/Tecna, Barcelona, Spain |
Thursday, 19 October 2006
10:00 |
Biological Risks Assessment in Poultry |
Dr. Marta Hugas, EFSA (European Food Safety Agency) |
11:00 |
Salmonella control in farm. A difficult challenge |
Dr. Germán Ordóñez. CESAC (Poultry Health Institute of Catalonia and Aragón). Reus. Spain |
12:00 |
Coffee Break |
12:30 |
Mass Media Point of View on Public Health Alarms. My Personal Experience. |
DDr. Esteban Sánchez Ocaña. Journalist. RTVE (Spanish Radiotelevision). Madrid |
13:30 |
WPSA Spanish Branch General Assembly |
14:30 |
Closing of the Symposium |
Moderators: Dr. Joan Marca, Mr. Josep M. Aumedes, Mr. Ricardo Martínez Alesón, Sra. Mar Fernández.
On line registration
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Bienestar de la especie cunícola: situación actual y próxima.
Jornada organizada con la colaboración de ASESCU.
Contará con la asistencia de técnicos del sector, cunicultores y representantes de las distintas Administraciones
Thursday, 19 October 2006
11:00 |
Presentación del INFORME CIENTÍFICO “El impacto de los actuales sistemas de alojamiento y cría en la salud y bienestar de conejos domésticos”. |
Propuestas legislativas sobre bienestar animal que afectarán a las explotaciones cunícolas y recomendaciones concernientes a la protección de los conejos domésticos |
Mesa redonda |
13:30 |
Clausura |
On line registration
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Organised with the cooperation of ANAPORC and VETERINDUSTRIA
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
Future therapies for pig breeding
09:30 |
Opening session |
9:45 |
Therapies for wild animals (for disease control of animal production) |
10:45 |
Therapies through medicated pre-mix for inclusion into feed (Is it past or future therapy?) |
11:45 |
Coffee Break |
12:15 |
Future vaccine therapies |
13:15 |
Future pharmacological therapies |
On line registration
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Thursday, 19 October 2006
10:00 |
Inscripción |
10:30 |
Salmonelosis: El próximo reto. M.A. Moreno (Universidad de Lugo) |
11:15 |
Asociaciones veterinarias: cómo organizarse. La experiencia holandesa. Representante de GroepVarkens Gezondheidszorg (Asociación Holandesa de Veterinarios de Porcino). |
12:00 |
Sistemas de alimentación para gestantes en grupos: Experiencias prácticas. Jesús R. Maes(COBADU), Pitu Ballart(Ramsalt)y Albert Vidal (Vall Companys). |
On line registration
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Organised with the cooperation of G-TEMCAL
Thursday, 19 October 2006
New Challenges for the Quality of Raw Milk: Advances in Monitoring and Advice
9:30 |
The Present and Future of Control of Environmental Mastitis |
Molecular epidemiology and the control of environmental mastitis in cows |
Dr. Ruth N. Zadoks - Cornell University. Quality Milk Production Services. Central Laboratory - Ithaca, New York (USA) |
The situation of bovine mastitis from Streptococcus uberis in Spain: incidence and control |
Dr. Luis Miguel Jiménez Galán, SERVET Talavera. Talavera de la Reina, Toledo (Spain) |
11:10 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 |
Genetic improvement and evolution of Holstein cattle and consequent Veterinary |
Other genetic and operational alternatives for producing cow’s milk |
Dr. Hans Andresen, Veterinary Doctor – MSc, Professor Emeritus UNM San Marcos, Lima (Peru) |
Veterinary advisory programmes for dairy farms: Evolution and Future |
Prof. Dr. Jos P.T.M. Noordhuizen, DVM, PhD, Dip ECVPH, Dip ECBHM Department of Obstetrics, Reproduction & Herd Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ghent (Belgium) and VACQA International (Holland) |
12:50 |
Discussion |
13:10 |
New Approaches to Practical Management of Dairy Farms |
A new practical dairy farm management: "Cow Signals approach" |
Dr. Joep Driessen, Veterinary Consultancy Bureau Vetvice. NS Best (Holanda) |
14:50 |
End of session |
16:00 |
Emerging and Future Threats to Dairy Herd Feeds |
Genetically Modified Organisms: detection, legislation and risk evaluation in Europe |
Dr. Teresa Esteve Nuez - IBMB – Institute of Molecular Biology – CSIC. Barcelona (Spain) |
Changes in ruminal flora and their medium and long term repercussions on the pathology of milk production and quality |
Dr. Alex Bach IRTA – Institute of Agro-alimentary Research and Technology. Barcelona (Spain) |
17:40 |
Coffee Break |
18:00 |
The Present and Future of Chemical Contamination of Raw Milk |
Incidental presence of persistent organic contaminants in milk. A real or potential threat? |
Dr. Josep Rivera Aranda. Institute of Chemical and Environmental Research, CSIC. Department of Ecotechnologies. Dioxin Laboratory. Barcelona (Spain) |
Risks to public health of Aflatoxin M1 in milk and its derivatives. The global situation. |
Dr. Alberto Gimeno, Technical consultant on SPECIAL NUTRIENTS (USA). Lisbon (Portugal) |
19:40 |
End of session |
Friday, 20 October 2006
09:30 |
Free discussions |
10:45 |
Coffee Break |
11:05 |
Trade discussions |
12:00 |
End of session |
On line registration
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Organizado con la colaboración de ASOPROVAC
Thursday, 19 October 2006
17:00 |
Inauguraciónde la jornada |
Mr. Albert Juanola Presidente de ASOPROVAC Nacional |
Mr. Josep Roca Presidente de ASOPROVAC CATALUNYA |
Representante de la administración (a concretar) |
17:15 |
Estrés del transporte y sanidad en el cebadero |
Mr. Francisco González- Gerente de Marketing de Vacuno de carne de Pfizer salud animal |
17:45 |
Organización mundial de comercio: Consecuencias económicas para el sector vacuno de carne (ponente a determinar) |
18:20 |
La nueva Política Agraria Común: perspectivas del sector vacuno de carne y futuro en la UE |
Nuevos estados miembrosRumania y Bulgaria. Mercado de abastecimiento de animalesde terceros países |
Ponente: Mr. Juan Álvarez de la Fuente. DG d’Agricultura y desarrollo rural de la Comisión Europea |
19:00 |
Coloquio |
19:20 |
Clausura de la Jornada |
Representantes administración central y autonómica |
19:30 |
Refrigerio por gentileza de SOPEXA |
On line registration
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Organised with the cooperation of FEDNA
Monday, 16 October 2006
Morning session. Moderator: Marta Cirera, Indukern, S.A.
8:30 |
Registration and distribution of documentation |
9:00 |
Presentation of R&D Projects. CDTI-EUREKA programmes |
P. Calleja y J.L. Calbet, CDTI. |
9:30 |
FEDNA standards for the practical nutrition of domestic animals. 1. Swine |
C. de Blas, C., J. Gasa and G.G. Mateos, UPM and UAB |
10:15 |
Feed contamination by mycotoxins: effects, treatment and prevention |
M. Denli and J.F. Pérez, UAB |
11:00 |
Coffee break |
Fibre fraction in animal nutrition (I)
11:30 |
Fermentable carbohydrates in monogastric animals: effects and functions. M. Verstegen, University of Wageningen |
12:15 |
Practical and nutritional aspects of the fibre fraction in young monogastric animals. |
G. G. Mateos, R. Lázaro and B. Vicente,UPM. |
12:45 |
Fibrous food handling and technology in feed factories and mix plants |
13:30 |
Debate |
Afternoon session. Moderator: A. Pané, Coop. d’Ivars d’Urgell
15:30 |
Fibre fraction in animal nutrition (II)
Importance of fibre type: new concepts and examples of their application in rabbit raising |
J. García, R. Carabaño, C. de Blas, UPM and A. García, NUTRECO PRRC, Casarrubios, Toledo |
17:30 |
Fibre in ruminants: chemistry or physics? |
A. Bach, IRTA and S. Calsamiglia, UAB |
18:15 |
Debate |
Tuesday, 17 October 2006
Morning session. Moderator: J. Capdevila, Nuri i Espadalé, S.A.
Progress in animal nutrition
09:00 |
Latest developments in piglet nutrition |
T. Van Kempen, Provimi RTC, Brussels |
10:00 |
Latest developments in pig nutrition: Breeders and Fattening Pigs. |
D. Mahan, Ohio State University |
11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:30 |
Areas of interest in poultry nutrition: present and future |
S. Leeson. University of Guelph |
12:30 |
Nutrition-handling interactions in monogastric animal production |
G. Santomà and M. Pontes, Tecna-Trouw Nutrition International |
13:15 |
Latest developments in ruminant nutrition |
G. Caja, UAB |
14:15 |
End of session |
Afternoon session. Moderator: F. de Paz, SAPROGAL, S.A.
15:45 |
Third Edition FEDNA Tables, food assessment |
- Assessment of amino acid digestibility for ruminants. J. González Cano, UPM |
- Inclusion of new raw materials and re-assessment of some existing raw materials. Paloma G. Rebollar, UPM |
- Re-assessment of the mineral content of raw materials. G.G. Mateos and M. Pérez-Serrano, UPM; M. Hermida, Laboratorio de Mouriscade and F. Patón, NUTRAL, S.A. |
17:15 |
Round table. Current issues in feed manufacture. |
Chairman: J. Méndez, participantes: M. Busquet, J. Coma y M. Gorrachategui |
18:30 |
Closing address and award of FEDNA prize |
On line registration
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Organised with the cooperation of ASFAC
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
Chairperson: Mr. Joan Capdevila Padrosa, Nuri i Espadaler S.L.
Efficiency, optimization and control for safe feed production
10:00 |
Presentation of the seminar |
10:15 |
Quality, efficiency and risk control on feed pelleting design process. Dr. Xavier Serrano, Setna. Barcelona |
11:00 |
Technological and practical solutions to minimize carry over risks. Mrs. Kari Lundblad, Felleskjøpet Fôrutvikling. Norway |
11:45 |
Coffee Break |
12:00 |
Improving and rationalizing feed and raw materials controls depending on microbiological risk criterion. Mr. Fabrice Putier, Tecaliman. Nantes |
12:45 |
Challenge of actual and future european feed regulation.
D. Miguel Angel Granero Rosell, European Comision, Health and Consumer Protection Directorate. Brussels. |
13:30 |
Discussion and closing |
On line registration
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Organizado con la colaboración de ADIPREM
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
16:00 |
Presentación |
Mr. Pere Costa Batllori, Catedrático Emérito de la ESAB (Escuela Superior de Agricultura de Barcelona. Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya) |
16:15 |
Seguridad en los medicamentos veterinarios |
Jordi Torren Edo – Agencia Europea de Medicamentos (EMEA) |
17:15 |
Coffee Break |
17:30 |
Autorización y registro de aditivos: nuevo marco normativo.Uso de aditivos, premezclas y piensoscomplementarios, situaciones especiales. |
Odón Sobrino. Subdirección General de medios de Producción Ganaderos. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación |
18:30 |
FAMI-QS como posibilidad de certificación de garantía en aditivos y premezclas |
Mesa redonda |
On line registration
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Organizado con la colaboración de AVEDILA
Tuesday, 17 October 2006
09:00 |
Registro y entrega de documentación |
09:30 |
Inauguración Oficial |
10:00 |
Estrategia DIVA: del concepto a la aplicación práctica. (Philippe Vanier, AVSA Ploufragan) |
11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 |
Gripe aviar en mamíferos. (Thijs Kuiken, Erasmus Medical Center) |
12:30 |
Gripe Aviar: Programa de vigilancia en animales salvajes. (Natalia Majó, CReSA) |
13:30 |
Asamblea General de la Asociación |
14:30 |
Clausura Asamblea |
16:00 |
Visita a sala de Pósters con presencia de autores |
16:30 |
Sesión de Comunicaciones libres (I) |
18:30 |
Final sesión |
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
09:30 |
Riesgos laborales en el laboratorio de diagnóstico. (Ponente, pendiente confirmación) |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:00 |
Sesión de Comunicaciones libres (II ) |
12:00 |
Estrategias para el diagnóstico toxicológico veterinario (Sebastián Sánchez Fortún) |
13:00 |
Detección de sustancias ilegales en animales de abasto (Jaume Bosch, pendiente confirmación) |
14:00 |
Clausura del XI Symposium de Avedila |
On line registration
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Organizado con la colaboración del GIRO
Viernes 20 de octubre de 2006
Conferencia Nacional de Gestión Integral de Deyecciones Ganaderas.
09:00 |
Entrega de documentación |
09:30 |
Inauguración y presentación de la jornada. |
Mr. Josep Tarragó, President EXPOAVIGA |
Mr. Carlos Escribano, Director General de Ganadería del MAPA |
10:00 |
El sector ganadero: competitividad y medio ambiente. |
Ponentes: Mr. Antonio Muñoz Luna. Universidad de Murcia. |
Mr. Ricard Parés. Asociación Catalana de Productores de Porcino (PORCAT) |
11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 |
Caracterización y potenciales impactos ambientales de las deyecciones ganaderas
Ponentes: Mr. Rodolfo Canet, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA), Valencia. |
Sra. Ana Rodríguez Cruz. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. |
12:30 |
Minimización en origen: alimentación y manejo en granja. |
Ponentes: Mr. David Torrallardona, Mas Bové IRTA, Tarragona. |
Mr. Daniel Babot. Universidad de Lleida. |
13:30 |
Final sesión |
15:00 |
Uso agrícola de deyecciones ganaderas. Planes de fertilización. |
Ponentes: Mr. Jaime Boixadera, DARP |
Mr. Jordi Comas. Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya. |
16:00 |
Tecnologías de tratamiento |
Ponentes: Mr. August Bonmatí, Agencia de Residuos de Catalunya |
Sra. Teresa Guerrero, Agencia de Residuos de Catalunya. |
17:15 |
Síntesis y primer anuncio del I Congreso Nacional de Gestión Integral de DeyeccionesGanaderas 2008 |
Ponentes: Mr. Xavier Flotats, GIRO Centre tecnològic |
Mr. Salvador Puig, Presidente de GESFER |
18:00 |
Clausura |
Hon. Mr. Francesc Baltasar, Conseller de Medi Ambient i Habitatge de la Generalitat de Catalunya |
On line registration
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Organised with the cooperation of ASCAME and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce
Tuesday, 17 October 2006
10:00 |
Registration of participants |
10:30 |
Opening session of the Forum and Inauguration of the Exhibition |
Mrs. Elena Espinosa Mangana, Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Spain |
Mrs. Mariann Fischer Boel, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development of the EU |
Mr. Sénen Florensa Palau, General Director of the European Institute of the Mediterranean IEMed |
Mr. Jordi William Carnes i Ayats, Councillor of Agriculture, Cattle and Fisheries of the Catalan Autonomic Government |
Mr. Mohand Laenser, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries of Morocco |
Mr. Miquel Valls Maseda, President of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation, Spain |
Mr. Jacques Diouf, General Director, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) |
Mr. Josep Tarragó, President of the ExpoAVIGA Exhibition, Spain |
11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 |
The agriculture, the cattle and the Euro-Mediterranean Association: impact, prospective and opportunities |
Mr. Raed Safadi, General Directorate of Trade, Organization for the Economic cooperation and Development - OCDE |
Mr. Bertrand Hervieu, General Secretary, Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes - CIHEAM |
Mr. David King, General Secretary, International of Agricultural producers – IFAP |
Mr. Jean-Luc Demarty, General Director, Agriculture and Rural Development Commission of the EU |
Mr. Abdul Kareem Mohammad Al Amri, President, Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development, AAAID |
Mr. Yassine El Moutchou, Euro-Mediterranean Network of Investment Promotion Agencies - ANIMA |
Mr. Hans Hurni, Director, Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South |
Mr. Henri Beyler, General Secretary, World Association of Beet and Cane Growers (WABCG) |
16:00 |
Euro-Mediterranean meetings of business cooperation |
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
10:00 |
Second Plenary Session |
The Mediterranean associated countries: Challenges and opportunities of business and investment |
10:00 |
Morocco |
Mr. Mohamed Mohattane, State Secretary charged of Rural Development |
Mr. Abdellah Bekkali, President, Federation of National Associations of Rural Development (FANDER) |
Mr. Tariq Sijilmassi, President of Directorate, Crédit Agricole, Rabat |
10:30 |
Algeria |
Mr. Abdelmalek Sellal, Minister of Hydric Resources |
Mr. Cherif Ouldhocine, President, National Chamber of Agriculture |
Mr. Boualem Djebbar, President of Directorate, Banque de l'Agriculture et du Développement Rural |
11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 |
Turkey |
Mr. Mehmet Mehdi Eker, Minister of Agricultural and Rural Affairs of Turkey |
Mr.Ş. Şemsi Bayraktar, President, Union of Turkish Chambers of Agriculture (TZOB) |
12:00 |
Egypt |
Mr. Ahmad Al Leithy, Minister of Agriculture and Land Recovery of Egypt |
Mr. Mouhammad Fouad Aouida, President of the Administration Council, The Principal Bank for Development & Agricultural Credit |
Mr. Alaa Ezz, General Secretary, Ceeba – Confederation of Egyptian European Business Association |
12:30 |
Tunisia |
Mr. Mohamed Garbi, General Director, Agency of Promotion of the Agricultural Investments - APIA |
Mr. Mabrouk BAHRI, President, Tunisian Union of the Agriculture and the Fisheries - UTAP |
13:00 |
Mr. Talal Al-Sahili, Ministro de Agricultura |
Mr. Edmond Jreissaty, Presidente, Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Agricultura de Zahle y Beqaa |
13:30 |
Lebanon |
Mr. Abu-Bakr Mabruk al-Mansuri, Secretary of Agriculture, Animal and Water Resources , Libya |
Mr. Mohammed Kannoun, President Tripoli Chamber of Commerce |
14:00 |
Closing Session, Barcelona Declaration |
16:00 |
Euro-Mediterranean meetings of business cooperation |
On line registration
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Organizado con la colaboración de ASFAC
Tuesday, 17 October 2006
OBJETIVO OLEAGINOSAS: sustituir al petróleo
09:45 |
Presentación del seminario |
10:00 |
El mercado de la soja en 2006/2007 – CARGILL. Barcelona |
10:30 |
Impacto de la demanda de biocombustibles sobre el mercado de colza y girasol- Mr. J.P. Penet, SAIPOL. Francia |
11:10 |
Pause café |
11:30 |
Perspectivas y limitaciones en el uso de los subproductos de la producción de biocombustibles– Mr. F.Borges SETNA. Madrid |
12:00 |
El nuevo mercado de cereales |
ponente pendiente de confirmación |
12:30 |
Abastecimiento de materias primas en el futuro contexto económico: el ejemplo bretón- Mr. Y.Dronne, INRA. Francia |
13:10 |
Precauciones y prevenciones legales en la contratación de materias primas a nivel nacional e internacional – Mr. E.Guardiola, Bufete Jurídico Internacional. Barcelona |
13:45 |
Coloquio |
Version française (PDF-14Kb)
On line registration
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Organizado con la colaboración de G-TEMCAL y el Comité Nacional Lechero
Viernes 20 de octubre de 2006
12:00 |
Inicio del II Foro Sectorial de Vacuno de Leche |
Primera Mesa Redonda“El Coste de la Calidad de la Leche” |
Moderador: Mr. Alfonso Raffin, ANEMBE |
Roberto Moré (FENIL) |
Gaspar Anabitarte (INLAC- COAG) |
Tomas Diaz (ASAJA) |
Fernando de Antonio (CCAE) |
Albert Ballester (ALLIC) |
Isabel Avila (CEACCU) |
Carlos Escribano - Josep Puxeu (MAPA) |
13:30 |
Entrega de los premios del Concurso Nacional de Calidad de Leche Cruda |
16:00 |
Segunda Mesa Redonda“Perspectivas del Sector” |
Moderador: Mr. Alfonso Raffin, ANEMBE |
Luis Calabozo (FENIL) |
J.A. Herrero Conejo (FEPLAC) |
Román Santalla (UPA) |
Carlos Gil (PROLEC) |
J.A. Sellés (Gremio industrias Cataluña) |
Francisco Sineiro (Universidad Santiago) |
Jordi William (Consejero Agricultura Cataluña) |
17:30 |
Clausura del II Foro Sectorial- XXII Jornadas de G-TEMCAL |
On line registration
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